A complete stay at home mom...your choice!!
Being a stay at home mom(SAHM) to a 3 year old kid,looking back i feel i took the right decision.In this age of career oriented women and women empowerment and equality,i feel as a mother it is always a blessing and fortune to be a complete stay at home mom.Because mother's anywhere in the world always wish to cuddle and look after their kids and witness their growth by themselves.I believe no mother in this world want the other way around.But due to circumstances ,ambitions and personal reasons mothers go for work and built their career.
I remember one of my neighbourhood friend,who is a manager in a company telling me how she struggled her way up in career with her two little girl childs.She was ambitious in her career so she decieded to have the first kid very late and the second kid by her forties.Moving into her Fifties she advices me to take care of my kid (s) and family and then my own career.It is each person's choice whether she want to be a career woman or both career woman and a mom.
In this wellplaced fast moving world all women are educated and qualified and ambitious.Every one want to excel in ones career as well as in life.No one really want to sacrifice ones career and public life and stay at home as a mother,but it needs preseverence,will power and a strong decision to be so.Even i don't know in future i will be working or not.But i would like to highlight some of things i personally feel as a SAHM.
1)Happiness.The happiness that we get when we really experience ourselves our kids milestones,giggles,laughters,naughtiness.We feel we are privileged to share this joy with our kids.
2)Selffullfillment. We single handedly taking care our kid's responsibilities from birth,gives us more confidence and belief in our capabilities and gives us an inner fulfillment.
3)Changes.We ofcourse wil change unknowingly to the tune of our kid. We will play like a kid,laugh like a kid, be literally like a kid.We may at times be living our second childhood.
There are a lot of people who asks me why can't you go for work,you are qualified to be an assistant professor(in India we need to pass,UGC exam to be appointed as an assistant professor )why cant you allow your kid to stay with her grandparents and go for work.I have to say my parents, now my daughter's grandparents have worked a lot to grow me up,why should i again disturb them in their old age when im good at health.
Next question ,why cant you send her to day care or hire a maid to look after her,rather than being an SAHM.Answer is because i believe each child's childhood comprising toddlerhood is very precious.At the time when a baby needs her mother's heat,nothing can replace it,no one can be in that place.It's my choice.
Yes,i pinpointed only about the positives sides of being an SAHM,but it would be quite unfair if i don't appreciate the efforts of the millions of working mothers all over the world who shuttles between their roles of being a mother and a career woman.I know a lot of women who run their family with their only income.Respect!!!👍👍
Yes,i pinpointed only about the positives sides of being an SAHM,but it would be quite unfair if i don't appreciate the efforts of the millions of working mothers all over the world who shuttles between their roles of being a mother and a career woman.I know a lot of women who run their family with their only income.Respect!!!👍👍
What you discussed is all from the mother's point if view. Did you ever tried to think from children's hope likes or desire. Of course they all like to be with their parents. Still they would like to enjoy all other tastes of life like nature, pets, grand parent's story, relatives, friends. Or they just want to live in between the four walls of the house nly with the parents ( mostly with mothers)
ReplyDeleteYes of course dear....we need to give all opportunities to our kids to develop themselves as good human beings.Its is our responsibility to give better exposures to our kids like we give food for their growth.Hopefully i wish to write a blog post on this topic.thanks for your comment.