English Literature and Language:Scopes and Opportunities

As I am an ardent lover of literature and books I did my studies in English Literature and language. I genuinely feel that people (especially in India) are not basically aware of the opportunities and scopes of doing their studies in English Language and Literature because i have got so many discouraging negative feedbacks way back when I decieded to do my graduation and postgraduation in English literature . So many questions came like why can't you go for Engineering or Medical fields rather than choosing English Literature for higher studies (which have less professional value)only because I passed my secondary education in Science and Maths subjects that too with very good marks.Yes,I choose English Literature as I loved reading books and books a lot.Even I was even not aware of its scopes then.So after understanding more about its value all these years realtime, let me give you a clear picture about the scopes and opportunities(career) you have when you choose this subject to study.
1)Teaching: If you choose English Literature as your main subject for graduation/post graduation you can choose a career in teaching if you have some qualifying educations like B.ed/PhD or you pass qualifying exams like SET/NET
2)Writer:You can be a content writer/copy writer/editor or a writer of books(author)
3)Journalism/Media:If you are really interested in media jobs,you can do your further studies in media/journalism and built your career.
4 )Management/Administration: After your graduation in English Literature you can have your career in this area by joining a good MBA course of your interest.
5)Goverment/Public sector jobs:If you are ready to work hard you can get into good positions in govt or public sector jobs by passing exams like UPSC including civil service exam,Bank Exams and so on.
So be positive and enthusiastic when you do your studies in English Literature and Language and always be optimistic because the doors of opportunities are wide open.You just need to seek it out and grab it.All the Best
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